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Queens Park - Southland, New Zealand - Credit Great South.jpeg
Brad Cadwallader

NZ Notable Trees Trust/Cadwallader Tree Consultancy



Brad likes trees, especially if they are older than he is. In his real job he looks after old trees and in his spare time he reads, talks and writes about them. He has managed the NZ Tree Register for the Notable Trees Trust since it was launched in 2009 and this has enabled him to spend what time he has left hunting down big trees.

Some say that he is to trees as Liam Neeson is to the bad guys. While he doesn’t often know where they are, and he doesn’t have much money, he does have a very particular set of skills. Skills he has acquired over a very long career. Skills that make him a nightmare for elusive trees. He will look for them, He will find them, and he will measure them. 



Tour bus will depart from the ILT Stadium entrance at 8.30 a.m. and will initially travel to Anderson House & Park. Delegates will see several significant trees including the largest Chilean pine (Araucaria araucana) in NZ.  We will take time to measure this tree to update the NZ Tree Register and also measure the large weeping wych elm (Ulmus glabra ‘Horizontalis’). The remainder of the tour will focus on visiting several other weeping elms, and hopefully spotting any elusive Camperdown elms.

We will then travel to Otepuni Gardens and walk through to Queens Park (2-3km) where delegates can then independently choose to take in the Masters Final of the NZTCC, and/or further explore the Gardens and then make their own way back to their accommodation.

(Come prepared for whatever weather might be encountered!).

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